Running vs. Growing: Comments on "From the time I sprung up from the ground"

    God has given us these two metaphors to describe Christian growth and progress.  I have found that I am quick to think of my “progress” as a runner in a race and not as a plant in a field.  When I do, my flesh is quick to come up with reasons to boast in the fact that I have “gone farther” than my Christian brother or sister.  I forget that this “going farther” may not be actual progress, but simply how God has made me to be versus how He has made my sibling in Christ to be.  
    Growth for one type of plant looks different than growth for a different type.  Some need to learn self-control, while others need to learn to exercise passion.   Some need to remember God is transcendent, while others need to remember God is immanent.  Some need to take some time to focus on the state of their souls, while others need to take the focus off themselves and learn to consider others.  God has made each person unique, placing them in a unique situation in the present, in order to bring them into the fullness of the stature of Christ in the future.  Therefore, we must not be too quick to assume that our neighbor need learn the same lessons we have or model their lives more after us in order to mature.  


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