After I've weighed all my options And I've counted the cost May I joyfully declare to all t hat everything's loss Compared to growing a bit closer To the man who is God The one buried, then risen And now exalted above
Resolved: That sinful motivations ought not keep one from obedience to Jesus Paul commands the Christians in Rome to present their members as slaves to righteousness rather than slaves to sin. Like the Christians of Paul’s time, we understand that the fight to present our members as slaves to righteousness is difficult. It is difficult for the flesh is both compelling and crafty. Like Satan, the flesh will even use God’s written Word to pit the Christian against his Master. One of the most crafty methods the flesh uses to pit the Christian against his Master is an over-preoccupation with his own motives. What do I mean by this? A Christian is overly preoccupied with his own motives when his own motives keep him from submitting to the direct commands of the Lord Jesus. Practically, this looks like a Christian deciding not to be baptized because he knows that in his...
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